While seated around a boardroom table at a recent staff training, I was reminded that great service doesn’t always need to coincide with a luxury offering.  I had just showed the group of front line employees a photo of a highly polished doorman wearing white gloves and I asked them, “What do you see?”  One employee announced that the level of service being delivered in the photo was not obtainable at their property.  A few of his colleagues started to agree saying that their residence wasn’t the “Four Seasons”.  I pressed on and told the veteran group to look past the tangible items in the photo, the clothes, the lobby, and to instead focus on the facial expression of the doorman pictured.  I explained that truly great service comes from an employees genuine desire to help someone and this normally begins with a smile.  A smile, a BIG smile, I told them, was certainly an achievable feat at their property.  This was the first of my “six insider tricks” and was the start to a great afternoon of training.  

Want to know about the other five? Click HERE